Hot Pets & Animals How-Tos

How To: Care for pet fish and their aquariums

When you have a pet fish, their aquarium is their whole world. You keep your little friends in their tank from birth through the rest of their lives, so why not make it safe and comfortable for them? In this tutorial, pet expert Marc Morrone, teaches you all about fish and aquarium science so that you can make sure your pets are healthy and safe. Follow along and balance your water and keep your tank clean so your fish live longer lives.

How To: Feed and take care of your pet fish

In this clip, learn all about pet fish from pet expert, Marc Morrone. Marc will walk you through the rows and rows of fish food at your pet store so you know exactly what type is best for your pet fish. Make sure your little buddies live long, healthy and happy lives with the right amount and variety of fish food. Not sure if your fish needs pellets or flakes? Marc is here to help!

How To: Teach your pet bird some manners

In this tutorial, pet expert Marc Morrone teaches you how to teach your feathered friends some manners so that they don't squawk all day and night. Parrots and other exotic birds are essentially wild animals kept in captivity and are not domesticated like dogs and cats, so they require a tad more patience with their training. Follow along with this clip and learn all about your birds and how to teach them a little respect.

How To: Properly care for a pet parakeet

Parakeets are small, colorful, friendly and chatty and all of these reasons make them great pets for kids. In this clip, learn how to select and care for your little feathered friends with pet expert, Marc Morrone. You will get the 411 on these colorful critters and learn how to keep them happy, healthy and singing all day long.

How To: Take care of pet birds

In this tutorial, learn all about taking care of pet birds from Marc Morrone. Marc will offer your expert advice on choosing and loving a beautiful bird and explain why they make fantastic pets. Before you welcome a feathered friend into your home, be sure to check out this video and be prepared.

How To: Feed your dog properly for a healthy lifestyle

In this tutorial, learn how to feed your dog properly with help from expert Marc Morrone. You want to make sure you are feeding your dog the right food at the right times of day so that they stay happy, healthy and energetic. Follow along and make sure you know what your puppy is eating.

How To: Potty train your dog

In this tutorial, Marc Morrone will show you how to house train your new pup so that they don't go to the bathroom indoors. Ther eis nothing worse than the smell of pet waste around the house, so follow Marc's advice and get that dog potty trained so you never have to worry about it.

How To: Stay away from bedbugs while on the road

There's nothing worse than finding a few bedbugs on your body. These gross little creatures are starting to appear all over the United States and are popping up in hotels all over. These little insects can be an big problem for people, but can easily be avoided. So check out the tutorial above on how to stay away from bedbugs while on the road. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Keep your dogs off the furniture

What makes a comfy seat for a human or a dog is very different. In this video, learn how to teach your furry best friend where he is meant to sit. Keep your dog from destroying your nice furniture with these tips from Marc Morrone.

How To: Keep your cat off of your furniture

Cats are the most popular pets in America, and everyone loves a soft and cuddly kitten. But, one of the biggest drawbacks to having a feline friend is that where we see a brand new sofa - they see a scratching post. In this clip, get some useful tips for helping your cat stay away from the furniture and redirect their scratching impulses. In this pet video Marc Morrone will show you the best way to keep cats off the furniture so they don't destroy them with their claws.

How To: Adopt and take care of your guinea pig

Guinea pigs are adorable. They are cuddlier than mice and easier to control than a dog, and for some families these little guys make the perfect in-between pet. Before you adopt one of these furry friends, check out this tutorial for all the advice you will need to care for it. In this pet video Marc Morrone will show you the best way to care for guinea pigs and find out why they make great pets.

How To: Adopt and properly care for a dog

Dogs are famous for being man's best friend and in this tutorial learn all the basics on taking care of your new little buddy. In this pet video Marc Morrone will show you the best way to care for dogs and find out why they make great pets. Start looking at the world from your dog's point of view with the helpful hints, tips and advice found in this clip.

How To: Give your cat a shot of medicine, safely

Cats are notoriously bad at taking medicine, especially if it comes in the form of a needle. In this clip, Dr. Lauren will teach you how to give your furry friend an injection for things like diabetes and other illnesses. So, follow along to avoid the scratches and do it the easy way!

How To: Removed matted fur from your dog or cat

Hair matts are common in all types of pets. Especially those with a full coat. Pets with long hair often get matted fur. These patches of hair can cause skin irritation in our pets. Dr. Lauren teaches you a safe way to remove these matts and keep your cat or dog happy and healthy.

How To: Put a cone or medical collar on your pet safely

If your pet has recently had surgery or been ill, they may need to wear a medical collar. A medical e-collar or a cone will prevent your pet from chewing or licking an area of their body that they shouldn't be touching. In this video from Dr. Lauren, you will learn where to get an e-collar and how to secure it to their head so that they stay safe and happy.

How To: Clean a cut on your pet before you get them to a vet

Sometimes pets get injured, just like people. If your pet has been injured by something in the house, outside or another animal and suffered a cut, you should get them to a vet as soon as possible. However, before you go, you will need to clean up the cut for your pet's comfort and to avoid infection. In this video, Dr. Lauren tells you how to clean and care for a cut on your dog or cat, until you can get it professionally patched up.

How To: Find and eliminate hidden pet poisons in your home

A lot of commonly used household items are actually poison for your furry friends. In this clip, learn all about which items can pose a danger for your dog or cat. It's not only chemicals that are bad for your pets, innocent seeming items like fruit, veggies, chicken bones, chocolate, human medications and many other hidden dangers exist as well.

How To: Cut your dog's toenails

In this clip, Dr. Lauren gives you a step by step on how to give your dog a much needed pedicure. Caring for your pooch's paws is important and not only keeps them cleaner, but makes it much easier for them to walk around. Don't be afraid to take the clippers to your puppy, check out this video and learn exactly how to do it - the painless and easy way.

How To: Clean your cat's ears

In this video from, Dr. Lauren shows you how to keep your cats ears clean, the easy way! This method will help you avoid getting scratched and help keep your cat free from ear infections. Learn what to use and what not to use when cleaning cat ears, and exactly how to go about it.

How To: Give your cats medication safely and easily

Cats are notoriously difficult when it comes to medication. It seems like while you can trick a dog into eating medicine, a cat will see you coming from a mile away. In this video, Dr. Lauren will show you the easiest way to get your cat to take medication. Follow along and avoid scratches and screaming the next time your kitten is ill.

How To: Treat and care for your diabetic cat

Does your kitty cat have diabetes? If this is unfortunately the case, check out this tutorial. This video is very informative and will walk you through the entire process so you can help your scared kitty feel calm and relaxed when you administer the needles. Make sure your cat lives a long and healthy life despite her disease with these tips.

How To: Build a simple brooder box

Baby animals are some of the cutest things in the whole world. They can sometimes be even cuter than human babies! One of the most adorable set of baby animals would be chicks and baby ducklings. There's something about all the chirping sounds that make them so hard to leave. In this video tutorial, you'll find out how to build a simple brooder box using easy to get material. So sit back, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Keep pests off your outside animals

If you have a variety of animals that call the outside area their home, you may not realize that pests can become a common problem to them. Fleas, ticks, jiggers, etc. can all cause problems with your outdoos animals like goats, dogs, cats, etc. So in this tutorial, you'll get some quick tips for keeping pests off your outside animals. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Trim or cut your dog's nails safely

Dress and trim your dog to the nines by watching this video on how to trim or cut your dog's nails. Making sure their talons are nice and people-friendly is a necessary component of pet care and will also boost canine egos as they look at their sharp silhouette in the mirror.

How To: Solve dog counter surfing with a clicker

It's a timeless doggie no-no, and one that has been paradied in numerous dog scenes in movies: A plate of delicious fried, steaming food is left by the owner on the table. The owner then leaves for a brief moment. His dog, smelling the delicious goodness, seizes the moment and quickly jumps up, snatches a piece of chicken, and devours it under the table.

How To: Skin a squirrel the right way

Viewer be warned! This video series is not for the faint of heart! If you think you can handle the contents inside, then you're about to get an in depth lesson on the proper way to skin a squirrel. This three part video series will show you how to skin a squirrel.

How To: Make peanut butter cookies for dogs

Buying dog treats can be somewhat fun for you and, of course your dog. But the bad thing about it is that treats nowadays can be a little bit pricey. And if you opt for the treats that are less expensive, chances are they are worse for your dog and can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. So what do you do next? Make your own dog treats of course! In this tutorial, you'll find out how to make peanut butter cookies for man's best friends from scratch. It's simple to do and will make them happy. Enjoy!