Hot Pets & Animals Posts

How To: Find and eliminate hidden pet poisons in your home

A lot of commonly used household items are actually poison for your furry friends. In this clip, learn all about which items can pose a danger for your dog or cat. It's not only chemicals that are bad for your pets, innocent seeming items like fruit, veggies, chicken bones, chocolate, human medications and many other hidden dangers exist as well.

How To: Cut your dog's toenails

In this clip, Dr. Lauren gives you a step by step on how to give your dog a much needed pedicure. Caring for your pooch's paws is important and not only keeps them cleaner, but makes it much easier for them to walk around. Don't be afraid to take the clippers to your puppy, check out this video and learn exactly how to do it - the painless and easy way.

How To: Clean your cat's ears

In this video from, Dr. Lauren shows you how to keep your cats ears clean, the easy way! This method will help you avoid getting scratched and help keep your cat free from ear infections. Learn what to use and what not to use when cleaning cat ears, and exactly how to go about it.

How To: Give your cats medication safely and easily

Cats are notoriously difficult when it comes to medication. It seems like while you can trick a dog into eating medicine, a cat will see you coming from a mile away. In this video, Dr. Lauren will show you the easiest way to get your cat to take medication. Follow along and avoid scratches and screaming the next time your kitten is ill.

How To: Treat and care for your diabetic cat

Does your kitty cat have diabetes? If this is unfortunately the case, check out this tutorial. This video is very informative and will walk you through the entire process so you can help your scared kitty feel calm and relaxed when you administer the needles. Make sure your cat lives a long and healthy life despite her disease with these tips.

How To: Build a simple brooder box

Baby animals are some of the cutest things in the whole world. They can sometimes be even cuter than human babies! One of the most adorable set of baby animals would be chicks and baby ducklings. There's something about all the chirping sounds that make them so hard to leave. In this video tutorial, you'll find out how to build a simple brooder box using easy to get material. So sit back, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Keep pests off your outside animals

If you have a variety of animals that call the outside area their home, you may not realize that pests can become a common problem to them. Fleas, ticks, jiggers, etc. can all cause problems with your outdoos animals like goats, dogs, cats, etc. So in this tutorial, you'll get some quick tips for keeping pests off your outside animals. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Trim or cut your dog's nails safely

Dress and trim your dog to the nines by watching this video on how to trim or cut your dog's nails. Making sure their talons are nice and people-friendly is a necessary component of pet care and will also boost canine egos as they look at their sharp silhouette in the mirror.

How To: Solve dog counter surfing with a clicker

It's a timeless doggie no-no, and one that has been paradied in numerous dog scenes in movies: A plate of delicious fried, steaming food is left by the owner on the table. The owner then leaves for a brief moment. His dog, smelling the delicious goodness, seizes the moment and quickly jumps up, snatches a piece of chicken, and devours it under the table.

How To: Make a terrarium waterfall at home

If you own any bored reptiles and want to zest up their terrarium environment on a budget, this video will teach you how to make a cool waterfall for their terrarium using basic materials. It should take a couple of hours, and the results are very pretty (depending on your painting skills) and sure to entertain any small-to-medium-sized lizard. Not recommended for dinosaurs.

How To: Skin a squirrel the right way

Viewer be warned! This video series is not for the faint of heart! If you think you can handle the contents inside, then you're about to get an in depth lesson on the proper way to skin a squirrel. This three part video series will show you how to skin a squirrel.

How To: Make peanut butter cookies for dogs

Buying dog treats can be somewhat fun for you and, of course your dog. But the bad thing about it is that treats nowadays can be a little bit pricey. And if you opt for the treats that are less expensive, chances are they are worse for your dog and can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. So what do you do next? Make your own dog treats of course! In this tutorial, you'll find out how to make peanut butter cookies for man's best friends from scratch. It's simple to do and will make them happy. Enjoy!

How To: Teach a small dog to jump up on command

Teach your dog to leap into your arms with this free dog training lesson. This trick is particularly well suited for canines who are reluctant to approach upon being called. The training process is simple. So simple, in fact, that a complete overview can be presented in just over four minutes' time. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to train your own puppy, watch this helpful video guide.

How To: Take care of a bat

Bats are usually associated with negative conotations such as evil, stanic, and just plain ugly. But, these nocturnal creatures are quite fascinating and are unique creatures that are unlike any other on this plane. So if you find one, what do you do? An associate professor of biology explains what to do if you find a bat and how to take care of and rehabilitate it. Enjoy!

How To: Trim the nails on your cat

Your cats nails are always growing, and they can easily grow too long, which can cause problems. Indoor cats can catch their nail on the carpet, resulting in bleeding or possibly injuring the actual toe. Toenails that are too long can always result in an infection. Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to trim the nails on your cat with this video tutorial.

How To: Bathe your cat

This video demonstrates how to bathe a cat. It's a cat's worst nightmare. To make it easier, first be sure the water temperature is warm and constant. Put the cat in the tub and get him wet with the sprayers warm water. Protect the cats eyes at all time. Apply cat shampoo liberally and rub it in good. Then apply conditioner to the cats' fur to help detangle and conditon it. Rinse really well with warm, steady stream of water. Then use a warmed up towel to wrap around the cat. This will help d...

How To: Perform CPR on your dog

It's a moment most of us prefer not to even think about, let alone prepare for. One second your dog or cat is in the yard playing and the next it's suddenly down. Maybe Fido's been hit by a car, maybe he has simply collapsed, but in that blink of an eye all that matters is trying to keep him alive until you can get him the help he needs.

How To: Teach your dog to balance and sit pretty

In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your dog to sit pretty and balance with Adam G. Katz. To do this, teach the dog to stay sitting back and balance instead of standing up by giving him treats in mid-air. This will help larger dogs learn their sense of balance by repeating this over and over with treats so they understand the idea of what they are doing. They will also get used to distributing their weight a different way than just standing fully up. Their sense of balance will improve ov...

How To: Train your dog to perform the "cop-cop" trick

In this Pets & Animals video tutorial you will learn how to train your dog to perform the "cop-cop" trick. In this trick the dog learns to put its feet on your feet. Step 1 – teach the dog to target a book or a mat with their feet by offering them some treat. You can do this either by appreciating or clicking when both the feet touch the book. The next step is getting the dog to target the book with their feet while they are between your legs. You have to continually reinforce the dog to ma...

How To: Prepare a Crested Gecko Diet

In this video, we learn how to prepare a meal for a Crested Gecko with Wally. The complete nutrition for gecko's is the two-part MRP pre-packaged meals. All you have to do for these is mix with water. These are the only meals that combine all proper nutrition for your gecko and avoid killing insects that don't last long and don't provide all nutrition they need. These packages come in two parts that can be store in Ziplock bags that will last for 6 months when stored in the fridge. Not much e...

How To: Milk your farm cow

Veterinarian Mark Lopez of Wholesome Dairy Farms demonstrates how to milk a cow. Use a teat dip to wet the teats. Then, massage in the fluid so it loosens up the surface dirt and kills bacteria. Stimulate the teat end with your fingers. Next pre-strip the cow by gently pulling on the teat and mimicking the suckling action of a calf. Let the iodine teat dip to sit on the udder. When the cow squirts milk out of the teat, it means that she is stimulated and comfortable. Take a clean towel and wi...

How To: Care for your horse

This video explains how to handle and take care of a horse. Always approach a horse quietly so that you don’t startle him. Talk to him and pet his neck. Horses are social animals and react well to being spoken to in soft soothing tones.

How To: Properly trim your dogs nails for their comfort

In this Pets & Animals video tutorial you will learn how to properly trim your dogs nails for their comfort. Materials that you will need are a high quality trimmer, nail file and styptic powder or pads. Begin by making yourself and your pet comfortable. Have the pet lay on the side so that all four legs are accessible. You will clip only that portion of the leg that extends beyond the quick, the blood vessel that runs down the nail. Start by clipping a thin slice of the nail and give him a t...

How To: Teach your dog to retrieve

In this how to video, you will learn how to teach your dog to retrieve. First, you should teach your dog the a regular retrieve. You will toss the object so that the dog sees where it lands. Next, give it the command to retrieve. Next, attempt the semi blind retrieve. This involves tossing the object, allowing your dog to see where it has gone. Next, distract the dog for a bit before giving it the command to retrieve. The full blind retrieve should now be attempted. This is done by hiding the...

How To: Trim your dog's toenails safely

When it comes to trimming your dog’s toenails, there are several instruments you can use. In this video, Patrice introduces you to the toenail clipper and the toenail grinder. To begin trimming your dog’s nails, pull back the hair surrounding the toenails so you can get a better look at the nails. Then separate the toes so you can work with one toe at a time. Using a toenail clipper, cut the nail enough to where you can see the jelly-like substance. You will know when you haven’t cut en...

How To: Train a labrador puppy in two days

In this video, we learn how to train a Labrador puppy in just two days with Adam Katz. First, the "no bark" technique is taught. You will need to first teach your dog hot to sit properly by giving it treats whenever it listens to you properly. After this, you will teach your dog how to walk properly on a leash and not pull away from you. Next, you will teach your dog how to lay down by pulling the leash down with your dog and giving it a treat every time it listens. Housebreaking your dog wil...

How To: Train your kittens tricks very easily

Dr. Yin will show viewers how to properly train kittens simple behavior. The wrong way to train a cat is by putting a collar on it and then attach a chain and yank on it. Instead, you will reward them with good behavior when they occur and never when bad behavior is exhibited. Start when the cat is hungry and offer treats when they obey your commands. Be careful not to reward them when they claw at your hand for the food. To train them to sit, only feed them their food when they're sitting. T...

How To: Trim the nails on your dog

In this video, a veterinarian and his assistant show you how to trim a dog's nails safely and quickly. To begin, you need to have a nail clipper, which you can buy at any pet store. Also, it is a good idea to have a product called Quick Stop, which you can use to stop the bleeding if you cut the dog's nails too short. Before you begin, try to have another person hold the dog's head away from you so it can't see what you're doing. Begin clipping the dog's nails just above the pink area, also c...

How To: Grow wheatgrass for your animals

Wheat grass is very nutritious for animals like dogs. In this video, we demonstrate how easy it is. The first step is rinsing seeds with water and letting them soak over night for 8-12 hours. After they have soaked, rinse. Evenly place the seeds on a bed of soil in a tray and cover with a paper towel. Then water thoroughly and cover with another tray. Keeping the seeds moist is very important. You should see results in 3 days when you can remove the extra tray and the paper towel. We then dem...