Puppies are used to interacting with their surroundings by using their mouth, so it's natural for them to bite a lot. However, that's not necessarily behavior which pet owners want to encourage. This ...
Dogs can be very susceptible to distractions, but you can train your dog to focus only on you no matter what else is going on around him. This tutorial shows you how to use clicker training to train a ...
Dogs barking at other dogs behind fences can be annoying while trying to walk your dog. This tutorial shows you how to condition your dogs with clicking and treats to be perfectly calm when walking pa ...
If you build your puppy an exercise pen, you can leave him alone while you go out and not worry about your house. This tutorial shows you how to build an ideal exercise pen to keep your puppy which th ...
If your puppy goes crazy on his leash while on a walk, you can train them out of this behavior and teach them to walk calmly, no matter the environment. This method uses click training and treats to a ...
Dogs require a lot less fanfare than humans to deliver their puppies into the world, but if your pet is having puppies you should still supervise the process carefully. Watch this video to learn how t ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to potty train and housebreak a dog. There are a lot of techniques out there, but you will want to do in the most fast and effective manor. Some pet owners want to paper ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make dog biscuits. You will need: beef broth, whole wheat flour, peanut butter, and baking powder. Now, pour in 2 c flour with 1 tbsp baking powder, 1/2 c peanut butt ...
We all love our cuddly companions, but sometimes they develop bad habits that make owning them difficult. Whether they refuse to stay in their crates or like jumping up onto visitors, dogs sometimes h ...
One of the most important lessons to teach your dog is simply to teach him to recognize his name. Usually dogs will pick it up within a few days if you use it often, but other times, depending on the ...