Do you light your Green Iguana only so it can see? As our expert clearly explains in this chapter, it's more than just visual -- proper lighting is actually essential to keeping your iguana alive! ...
Bon appétit! In part two of our Iguana Diet topic, Ron demonstrates the importance of dietary supplements further, advice on a sound feeding schedule for your Iguana, depending on its size, a warning ...
You don't have to have a university degree to understand the basics of Iguana health and wellness. Let our expert show you in this first section on iguana health how to examine the animal's body, from ...
Join Host Israel Dupont and Zilla's Phil Bartoszek step by step, as they create a natural-looking desert-style habitat (for a Leopard Gecko) using Zilla's exclusive desert series of products. This pro ...
Join Host Israel Dupont with herpetologist Hillary Dupont as they discuss creating a habitat for your African spur-thighed/G. Sulcata tortoise. Hillary explains the tortoise's natural geographic locat ...
Learn all about your leopard gecko's eating requirements with this informative and easy-to-follow program that covers all the important topics of the gecko's diet, from vegetables, to vitamins, to mea ...
The importance of the African spur-thighed/G. sulcata tortoise's dietary needs, including variety, vitamin supplements, differences in the requirements of younger tortoises versus older ones, what NOT ...
You've heard or read about Salmonella in the media, and its dangers are often blamed on reptiles. What exactly is it? Is it dangerous? Should you be concerned about it? Watch this video for a clear an ...
Possibly the most popular reptile pet in the world, the Green Iguana is beautiful and interesting lizard. Senior Herpetologist Ron Dupont passionately conducts a four-part tutorial on the lizard's hab ...
How do you examine a tortoise to determine its level of health? Does the tortoise need real sunlight or is a UV lamp alone adequate? Is dog food okay as a diet item? What about mites? How can you dete ...