Following the success of Mimic Baby (sign language for babies) Selena Lohan developed Mimic Mutt - sign language for dogs. It turns out it's easier to communicate with your dog using regular sign lang ...
Patti, the Garden Girl, moves her Bantam chicken tractor around her front garden and shares some tips on raising bantam chickens. ...
In this Dog Whisperer podcast, Willie is too frightened to come out from under his chair until Cesar claims his territory. ...
Use your finger in a circular motion and pretend you're trying to make the tick dizzy. This will remove most reasonably sized ticks. ...
Watch this episode of the Dog Whisperer podcast to learn how to dominate an aggressive caged dog. ...
Watch this Dog Whisperer podcast & learn how Cesar Millan trains a dog to stop barking at his owners' guitar playing. ...
Sure, you talk to your cat now, but does he know what the heck you're saying? And do you understand his purrs and meows? If not, it's time to have a good chat with your furry friend. Watch this video ...
Here is a general information video on crate training for dogs and puppies. It contains instructional information and explains the benefits of crate training. ...