In this video, we learn how to remove a tick with Vaseline. First, find the tick on the body of the animal. The tick will be obvious because the skin will swell up around where they are. Use a special ...
In this video, we learn how to remove a tick from a dog. First, brush the hair away from the tick so you have a good view of it. After this, take the removal tool and place it underneath the tick. Sli ...
In this video, we learn how to teach your dog to balance a treat on his nose. First, you need to look at your dog and have them concentrate. Don't give them the treat on their nose for too much time, ...
As with all cute and cuddly creatures that you take home as a pet, the actual work part of the equation doesn't sink in until you find your first poop droppings and pee stains on the carpet. In order ...
In this tutorial we learn how to acclimate your new puppy to its crate. Your puppy may be scared of its crate at first, but there is a way to make it get used to it so it doesn't disturb you. To help ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make an edible bird house with your kids. You will need: bird seed, 1/2 c flour, 2 tbsp corn meal, scissors, twine, paper plate, ice cream cones, 1 pint milk, raisins ...
In this video, we learn how to build a nest box and ladder for a chicken coop. Start off by creating the box with several pieces of 2x4's. Measure each piece individually, then screw them into place. ...
In this video, we learn how to make a custom DIY dog gate. Tools you will need are: lattice and wood, hinges and screws, saw and power drill, cut outs from a hobby store, and a closure. After you gath ...
The canary is one of the most popular bird for people to have as pets, and not just because they'll let you know if you have a gas leak. Watch this video to learn everything you need to take care of a ...
The oxygen bubbler on your fish tank can really be annoying if left unchecked. The constant hum and vibrating can drive any sane person mad! But there's an easy way to silence it and bring you some pe ...