Pet-proofing your house won't just protect your possessions from becoming chew toys—it could save your dog's life. You will need a dog crate, a dog who's ready to move in, dog manuals, pet repellent, ...
Did you know your fine furry friend can get Lyme disease too? Giving your dog a once-over tick check will not only protect him from infection, but can help keep you and your family safe too. You will ...
Just keep in mind this is made for a compulsion trainer that was new to clicker training, so there is a lot of luring going on in this video because it might be easier to explain. Shapers you have be ...
Clicker train your pup to limp with this training video. This is a video on how to teach your dog to limp using the clicker training method. The old school way of training this behavior was to grab yo ...
This is a clicker training video on how to teach your dog to cross their paws. If you don't have a clicker you can always use some other noise maker like a clicking pen, or just a word like "yes!" T ...
This is a quick video tutorial on how to teach weaving through the legs using luring or shaping. This dog training video helps train your pup to weave through your legs. This is a basic step in teach ...
Warm up your pitching arm and be patient—you might just be playing "Throw" for a while before your dog catches on. You will need:a dogsomewhere big enough to playa tennis balldog treats optional: a ts ...
Bats getting caught in houses is a regional problem. In general, bats are scared of humans, but they will bite when they feel cornered. The New York State Health Department produced this video to urg ...
These rabbit tricks are from the Santa Barbara Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter Association. is training the bunnies to respond to a clicker using principles of Pavlov's dog. She shows his ...
Instructional video explaining how to start a siphoning gravel vacuum. Create a siphon or suction through a tube to clean a fish tank. The carbon gravel will clean the water of junk or debris. Fish ta ...