Here's the thing—dogs will do things just to please you. But cats want to know what's in it for them. Learn how to train a cat. You Will Need: * The patience of Job * Consistency * Food trea ...
This is a basic trick for little dogs like this Miniature Pincher, Daisy. The dog jumps off a human's leg and does a half turn (180). LIke any dog training be patient, go over each step multiple time ...
Mike The How-to guy shows you how to wash your dog. This is not an easy thing to just jump in to. Get towels, dog shampoo and a low nozzle so you can spray the dog close to his fur. This can be enjoya ...
This is amazing how cats reacts... Just try it ! This technique is simple and involves the rubbing of each of your kitty's ears in circles. Then press on the sides of his head gently. This will soothe ...
Whiskey and Womble take us through the steps to teaching a pet rat how to tunnel fetch (fetching a ball from a tunnel). Remember to keep the training fun for you and your ratties, don't train for too ...
Matt Bigwood shows how to shoe a horse for proper fit. He concentrates on the trot to check for fit. His gait should be balanced and with no interferences on the horse from a shoe. The shoefitting is ...
Clicker training tutorial on teaching your dog to take a bow. This tutorial utilizes BF Skinner's methods of operant conditioning. This will create a well regulated training schedule between you and y ...
This trick is much harder to teach than the ones previously done a video for (spinning and walking on back legs), so apologies that the video is so long but it needs to be. You will need a lot of pati ...
Teaching your dog to heel will make walks more fun and relaxing for both of you. Watch this video to learn how to train your dog. You will need treats, a leash, a collar and patience! Tips: for traini ...