This will guide you when you don't know how to clean a Chinchilla cage. These little smooth, plushly furred rodents, native to the Andes mountains in South America, slightly larger than ground squirre ...
Cats will be very picky about where they sleep. If you love them so much that you want them to sleep next to you, read this. Find a box or cat carrier to make a little "cat cave" for them. Place it wh ...
Clothespins are very helpful for canary cages. They make a lot of things easier when you are looking after your canary. Get some clothespins The wooden or the plastic varieties are both fine. They sho ...
Chihuahuas need a lot of attention, but they can be a great breed of dog. They need a lot of time to play with their owners; here are some things you can do with your Chihuahua. Take your Chihuahua ou ...
So, you see a bird, want to do some research, but don't know what it is? This article will show you how to recognise these beautiful creatures and you will become an expert. Get out your binoculars, d ...
Meow! Meow! Are you tired of your cat getting saliva in your hair when it has a good chew? Some cats are prone to doing this, for instance, Siamese love human hair chewing but many cats have been know ...
Have you ever had a pet grasshopper? When you picked it up did it hop away? Well read this article and you won't even need a cage! Find your grasshopper. Look on plants with holes in the leaves. You m ...
Remember: We invited our adopted pets into our families and into our homes, but how many families consider the safety of our pets while in transport? How many times have you seen a pet riding in a veh ...
It's MARCH MADNESS SEASON! You've already asked all your fellow basketball fans about their predictions for the NCAA teams, but you don't trust them. What about...your dog? This guide will show you ho ...
Anyone who has a cat has, at some point, had cat hair in their mouth. It is harder than it looks to get the hair out of your mouth, but this article will make it simple! Swallow the cat hair halfway , ...