In this two part video Tab and his German Shepherd "Solea", show exactly what you need to do to stop your dog from pulling on his lead. Eventually, your dog will be walking on a loose leash where they ...
This is the most important thing that a dog should know. In this video will learn the fundamentals of how to begin to teach this. It is by no means entirely conclusive to the training that is involved ...
Your mother used to remind you to wash behind your ears now make sure you keep your dog in tip top health and clean their ears too. Dogs depend a lot on their hearing but can build dirt and wax in and ...
This video is a tutorial on how to identify a mustang horse breed. The instructor begins by saying that it is not easy to identify a mustang horse because of the cross breeding characteristics of must ...
Dog trainer Zak George shows how to train your dog to chase your Frisbee. Start by tying your dog to a very long leash. This way, you will be able to control her, and you want to be able to bring h ...
Horses don't kick their owners and handlers unless they think it is okay, or unless they think there won't be any repercussions for their actions. The gentleman in this video shows you that being gent ...
If you live in the US then you've probably already seen a crow if you recognized it or not. The common crow has a distinctive if not dramatic appearance and a less than melodic sound. With this inform ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to lead a horse without a lead rope. In order to get a horse to lead, it must like to be around you. It's always good to have the horse in your space. Don't p ...
Instead of just going for a walk through the outdoors, try adding in the rewarding hobby of bird watching. The song sparrow is a great bird to look for on perches and will vary in appearance across th ...