In this video, Julie teaches viewers how to toilet train their cats. This is, to clarify, training to use a human toilet. First, you will have to get your cat acquainted with toilet seats. Take a toil ...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to prevent your new puppy from play biting. In the first 12 weeks, your puppy will start to bite. Encourage the puppy to lick your hand rather than bite. If th ...
This video describes how to bake summer savory dog biscuits. For ingredients you need 2 cups of Keen dog food, 2 cups of warm water, 1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup raw ground beef, 1/4 cup ...
In this Pets & Animals video tutorial you will learn how to make gourmet dog cookie treats for your pet. This recipe is for apple cinnamon dog cookies. Ingredients are 1 apple, ¼ cup honey and water e ...
This video gives you tips on how to keep your dog cooler in the summer heat. Their natural body temperature in the summer is 102 degrees already. Dogs are unable to sweat. Their only mechanisms for co ...
This video shows you how to prepare Puppy Ice Cream for your dog. For this recipe, you will need 1 mashed banana, Dixie cups or ice cube trays, 32 ounces of vanilla or plain yogurt, 2 T. honey, and 2 ...
How to stop a dog from digging holes in a yard First it's important to understand why dogs dig. Dogs are not mad when they dig. They dig for a number of reasons. They might be trying to bury a toy. Th ...
This video illustrate us how to control dog fleas with home remedies. Here are the following steps.Step 1: First of all take some water and wash the dog with it.Step 2: Now take markotic powder and sp ...
Ashley Kelly shows viewers how they can make their own Dog treats at home! First, you should make sure you wash your hands. Next, you should add 1/2 cup of peanut butter to a bowl and add 1/2 cup of m ...
Do you enjoy a nice massage? So do animals. This DoggieDeeva video demonstrates how to do a canine massage. Make a nice comfortable area for the dog to lie down. Make sure the area is not real soft no ...