We'd let our little Fido run free all the time if we could, but unfortunately taking a dog out into any public space, whether it be simply for a walk in the park or to a shopping center, involves putt ...
If you're starting up your own farm or ranch, one animal that you can raise is cattle. Not only are they a fantastic source of meat, but they also provide milk and cream which also opens up to butter ...
Stretching isn't just good for humans, it's a great way to keep animals loose and healthy, especially dogs who have suffered bone deformities, muscle aches or arthritis. This video will show you how t ...
Birds are feisty little creatures, especially when it comes time for grooming. If you want to trim your bird's wings, you have to cut those feathers off, and this video shows you how to do it. This te ...
Plastic milk bottles are a fixture of most American trash cans, but they need not be. With a little effort and some simple tools you can covert an old milk bottle into a DIY bird feeder! Watch this vi ...
Hermit crabs are a cool pet to own and are generally pretty low key. But taking care of them is a chore in itself and requires some very specific needs! In this video you will get some basic care tips ...
Meet YouTube user kittenandtiger, the mysterious Austrian mouse whisperer. Master of mouse training site Mouse Agility, kittenandtiger has had a love for rodents since a very young age: "When I was a ...
If you already have the skills for amateur beekeeping, as outlined in Mary Reilly's previous video, then it's time to start harvesting the honey from those honeybees. Mary shows the fruits of her busy ...
Love the taste of honey, but hate the price? The solution many people have turned to is amateur beekeeping, where you can have all the honey you want, for minimal startup costs and periodic maintenanc ...
One of the most painful, but necessary things to be done for cats is trimming their nails. Trimming your cat's nails is beneficial any pet owner, because it helps prevent scratched furniture and helps ...